I am a show pony - look no further than the pics below for proof! I show up as myself, wearing what make me feel good and try to have as much fun as I can.
But I've had people tell me I need to turn it down, to not be so “out there”. For a long time, I tried to fit into this expectation, this mould of what I should be. Do you know what? Its completely EXHAUSTING. You always have to think quickly about what you're going to say if it fits that ideal, decide if that outfit is too loud and colourful, if you should go down the water slide with your kid. NO MORE! I'm going to wear colour in the sea of black that is Melbourne. I'm going to be loud, laugh even louder and bring joy to everything I do. I'll wear the bikini, shorts, tank top because I want to. I'm doing me and if you don't like it, the door is over there! I got to this place slowly, gradually peeling back the layers of expectation. Of my father. Of my employer. Of my friends. Of society in general. Qoya helped me to work out who I was and what the hell it was that I wanted. I connected to my body, got out of my endless chattering monkey brain and slowed down. I felt all the feelings in my body and moved with them. Honoured them for keeping me safe and slowly releasing them. Finding Regena Thomashauer and the School of Womanly Arts super charged my coming into myself. I connected with my most sacred feminine centre, my pussy and found even more ways of exploring pleasure in every day and every moment. I turned my glowing inner light up to 11. I am here and I am here to have fun! I am here to help you find your inner light, your radiance and turn it ON and UP! It's going to be a bumpy ride but I promise you will have fun along the way! Check out my Coaching page for ways to work with me to turn your light up!
Did you sign up to my newsletter at a market or festival?
Did we have a chat about the magic of Qoya and you felt that you wanted to know more? Just in case you don't remember or came to my list a different way, here's my festival/market run down: "Qoya is a free dance embodiment class for women. Its designed to get you out of your head and into your body. To dance with your emotions rather than having them spinning around in your head on a loop. Its a safe space where women gather together to support each other with no judgement or shame. "There's no way to do Qoya wrong and the way you know you are doing it right is that it feels good to you. You get to move your body for no other reason than its fun and pleasurable to move it. "I run weekly classes in Thornbury, Gisborne and Sunbury and then monthly on Zoom. “It's 90 minutes of YOU TIME and when you sign up to my newsletter (as you have) you'll get a code to book into your first class for free, so you can try it and see if its for you!” So if you haven't been to a class yet, I'd love to know why not. Please hit reply to let me know as it will help me to see if there's anything I can do to make it easier for you to come! And if you'd just like to book in now but can't find the code, comment below or send me and email and I'll send it to you again. The code doesn't expire and you can use it for any of my Qoya classes. Come dance with me! We are bombarded every day with the hundreds of ways that we are ‘wrong’. Billion dollar industries exist to make sure we don't forget it and buy their crap to ‘fix it’.
Too loud Too quiet Too big Too small Too old Too young Too hairy Too emotional Too hurt Too immature Too serious Too aggressive Too feminist Too fucking everything But what if there's actually nothing wrong with you at all? Seriously? Like nothing. That how you show up in the world is exactly right. It can be really hard to feel right in a world that likes to point out your ‘flaws’. I'm here to tell you that you ARE right. And I'm also here to encourage you to find yourself right. To start to approve of yourself and all that you do. Sure you'll fuck up, but then we all do. Stuff happens that we might have been able to avoid and that we might have wished we could. But if you had avoided it, what else might you have missed out on? If I hadn't had my breakdown, I doubt I would be here writing this email to you right now. I'd still be a lawyer wondering why I was miserable doing my ‘dream job’. To approve of all that you have done and what you want to do next takes some effort. A simple exercise that you can start with is to write down all the phrases that come into your mind when you disapprove of yourself. Then go back over your list and change it to an approving phrase instead. For instance, I used to be very critical of myself when I did simple mistakes in a crossword. So I changed the “you're an idiot” phrase to “its just a mistake”. Taking the time to do this exercise will dramatically improve your self talk and your own thoughts and feelings about you. Because you aren't wrong and you never have been. I'd love to hear how you go with it, comment below to let me know. |
AuthorLiz Reichard is a Radiance Coach and Qoya teacher. Her mission is to help as many women as possible remember the power of their own bodies through Radiance Coaching & Qoya classes. Archives
January 2025